Class Requirements


  • Attend all course sessions in their proper sequence. Students who miss a class session must start again in a different course, beginning with session one. This is not just a policy, this is a TDLR requirement for successful completion of the course, no exceptions.

  • Arrive on time for each session. The dates, time, and place of the course will be explained at the time of enrollment. Late arrival may result in an unexcused absence resulting in unsuccessful completion of the class (this does not constitute a refund of your registration fee).

  • If your class location is at the Law Enforcement Center, you may enter at the front lobby, and come directly into class (training room, first door on your right) upon arrival.


  • You must enroll PRIOR to the start of the first day of class, in order to participate in that class. All registration requirements must be completed prior to the first class, including personal data sheet, payment, Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10), Consent for Release of Confidential Information, and pre-test. You will not be allowed to attend class if you have not completed the registration process (we will complete DAST, Consent, and pre-test on day 1, prior to the beginning of the lesson).

  • All students must be in compliance with Dress Code.

  • All students must be in compliance with Security Procedures.

  • Students must not have had any alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs prior to attending class. If you are intoxicated, you will be asked to leave which will result in an unexcused absence resulting in unsuccessful completion of the class.

  • Children and pets and are not permitted in the class.

  • Anyone who is not registered for the class may not attend, unless their attendance is cleared with the instructor (translators, interpreters, etc. will be approved).

  • Cell phones— cell phone use is NOT PERMITTED during class; you may use your cell phone during breaks, but otherwise it should be completely silent, and out of sight (this means put away, not in your hands under the table).

  • Students must complete all assignments and turn them in to the instructor on time.

  • Smoking/vaping/using dipping tobacco in the classroom is not permitted. There will be scheduled breaks.

  • Drinks – all non-alcoholic drinks are allowed and you may have them throughout the duration of the class.

  • Food – you may bring snacks, but be prepared to participate in class discussions.

  • Parking — At the Law Enforcement Center, you may park in the public parking lot located in front of the building.

  • If an individual exit interview is to be conducted, you will be notified on the last day of class, and must remain until it is completed. Failure to do so will result in unsuccessful completion of the program.

  • All students must demonstrate courtesy, professionalism and respect for others.

  • All students must be prepared for each class; you will be provided pens and paper for notetaking in class; you will be provided a student workbook on the first day of class, and it is your responsibility to keep up with it and bring it to EACH class session for active participation in classroom activities and confirmation of completed assignments. A completed workbook is required for successful completion of the class, which will be verified on the last day.

  • Respect the property of others, including the property and facilities where class is held.

  • Audio/video recording of any part of the lessons is NOT permitted, as per TDLR.


• You must use a Zoom-compatible device with a working camera and microphone.

• Familiarize yourself with the Zoom platform prior to class; technical difficulties may occur, but absences or tardiness due to being unfamiliar with the platform is not acceptable. You should understand the basics of how to join a meeting, mute, unmute, ensure camera is on, and engage in chat.

• You must have reliable internet and a good connection.

• You cannot be in a public area with a lot of background noise; this class requires frequent student feedback and responses, so we need to be able to hear you, and vice-versa.

• You must remain on camera at all times; if the camera is deactivated by accident, you must notify the instructor via chat and immediately reactivate it; if the camera is turned off or you are not in front of it, this may result in an unexcused absence.

• Do not move your camera around or pick up your device to walk around; you should be sitting in front of the camera and your camera should be stationary.

• Do not attempt to complete any other activities during class hours (work, cooking, babysitting, gardening, talking, watching TV, using your phone, etc.).

• You need to be in a location that is private and quiet, preferably alone. If other people must be in the room, they need to understand that they will need to be as quiet as possible and not distracting to you.

• Just as in an in-person class, you will need to make arrangements for childcare, as you will not be able to take care of those duties during class hours.

• All registration requirements must be completed prior to the first class, including personal data sheet, payment, Consent for Release of Confidential Information, etc. You will not be allowed to attend class if you have not completed the registration process. You will receive instructions on this upon enrollment.

• All students must be in compliance with Dress Code. The only exception to this is shoes- shoes are not required for online classes. Please wear pants.

• Students must not have had any alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs prior to attending class. If you are intoxicated, you will be asked to leave which will result in an unexcused absence resulting in unsuccessful completion of the class.

• Cell phones— cell phone use is NOT PERMITTED during class; you may use your cell phone during breaks, but otherwise it should be completely silent, and out of sight.

• Students must complete all assignments and turn them in to the instructor on time.

• Smoking/vaping/using dipping tobacco during class is not permitted. Keep these activities limited to scheduled breaks.

• Drinks – all non-alcoholic drinks are allowed and you may have them throughout the duration of the class.

• Food – snack whenever you want, just be prepared to participate in discussion.

• If an individual exit interview is to be conducted, you will be notified on the last day of class, and must remain in the waiting room until it is completed. Failure to do so will result in unsuccessful completion of the program.

• All students must demonstrate courtesy, professionalism and respect for others.

• All students must be prepared for each class; you should have a pen or pencil and some paper to take notes and complete assignments; you will be provided a student workbook via email, and you MUST have it PRINTED out before class begins on day one. You must have it with you during each class session for active participation in classroom activities and confirmation of completed assignments. A completed workbook is required for successful completion of the class, which will be verified on the last day.

• Audio/video recording of any part of the lessons is NOT permitted, as per TDLR.


Dress Code